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Archbishop Edik Baroni Biography


Edik Baroni, Էդիկ Բարոնի, ادیک بارونی (born April 3, 1978) is an Armenian/Iranian Archbishop in Los Angeles. He is a prelate in the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ and the bishop of the Personal Prelature of the Persian Communities Worldwide.

Bishop Edik since childhood receive Lords calling to become a priest. Since then He started his commitment and followed his calling by receiving the necessary education from Salesian fathers and mostly from Monsignor Ignazio Bedini,  Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church of Tehran. Bishop Baroni after 3 years of dedication and studing in the Cathedral of Tehran was sent to Rome to start seminary through the Roman catholic Salesian order. He staudied Philospophy at the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome and  Theology at Pontifical Oriental institute of Rome and later for Masters and Doctorates in Theology at Latin University of Theology.

Edik Baroni always lived financially from a secular career specially since 2008, as a banker and Asisstant Vice President of Bank of America in Los Angeles county with different positions until now.

In 2012 deacon Edik Baroni received priestly ordination in Detroit MI from Primate of Ecumencial Catholic Chruch of Christ Archbishop Karl Rodig. After 10  yeras of dedication and continuos service in health care facilities as a priest, on May 22, 2022, Fr. Baroni, with the unanimous consent of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ's Ecumenical Primate Dr. Karl Rodig and the college of bishops, was elected and consecrated bishop in the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ at the Cathdral of Saint Anthony Detroit Michigan. Bishop Baroni speaks and administers the sacraments in Armenian, Farsi, English, Italian, Spanish, and French. His is autore of a few books. Bishop Edik lates published book is regarding Armenian and Assyrian genocide in Italain and in English which both are available in Amazon.

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